Saturday, June 4, 2011

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I CAN PEE!!!!!!!!

I CAN PEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The vet thought I couldn't go pee... but I CAN!!!!!!!!! Considering I have peed on Caroline's shoes EVERYDAY for a WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am very happy!!!!!! But, no one else is...

Minney Mouse Pen

My owner, Caroline has a "MOM" and apparently her "MOM" has a "CO-WORKER"... and the "CO-WORKER" brought her a Minney Mouse pen from Disneyland! It has a big red bow on it and me and my brother LOVE to chew on it! Here are some pictures!
 My brother Sid. Snuggling with the pens...
And me, the cute one!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

YEAH!!! I am so happy,  I am back home, safe and sound! But I have to take a bunch of pills, and they shaved my paw to put a stupid IV in... :"( so now I have a shaved paw and a big scar on my paw! :"(

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Poor Spencie... he had to stay at the vet's office for another night! I haven't seen him in two day!!! :"( That's why I have been posting for him! I'm so sad! He must be so incredibly lonely!!!! :"(